5.01. Capacidad emprendedora como propuesta de mejora a la exclusión sociolaboral. Caso jefas de hogar, comuna de San José de Maipo, Región Metropolitana.

revista MBR

Autores: S. Gutiérrez Lillo


This article investigates which variables account for the entrepreneurial capacity of women heads of household in San José de Maipo in the metropolitan area and from this identification, consider how to make programs for promoting entrepreneurship.


Multimethod methodology used, consists of 20 questionnaires and 8 in-depth interviews together with field notes. The research strategy is based on a discovery context, where the coding and relativization of the findings are the product of the environment found by the researchers. In the formulation stage of the data collected in research, identifies and analyzes the categories of discourse analysis that reflect, to varying degrees of depth, the variables related to the entrepreneurial capacity to then design a training model in entrepreneurship, taking into consideration the peculiarity of this group of women. Thanks to the methodology, we found that female heads of household determine their behavior based primarily on the many changes that occur in their home environment, resulting in that the players develop their entrepreneurial skills with some alternations as a result of adaptation to many changes that life brings. Moreover, entrepreneurship in the heads of households have even broader effects, as well as helping to shovel the effects of unemployment or poverty, they also play the role of change agents in the community of San José de Maipo.


Keywords: Head of household – Entrepreneurship – Intervention Model.