3.07. ¿La proximidad afecta el desarrollo de externalidades activas de marketing en clusters? Una aproximación desde los agronegocios.

revista MBR

Autores: C. Geldes González, C. Felzensztein Jiménez

This study examines the marketing cooperation between firms co-localized in an agribusiness cluster, phenomenon identified as an “active externality”. To this purpose, we use the perspective of proximity developed in economic geography. Contributions are twofold: 1) we develop a scale of interfirm marketing cooperation and different dimensions of proximity (geographical, institutional and organizational-cognitive) and 2) test their interrelationships.

Results show that proximity affects interfirm marketing cooperation. We conclude that interfirm marketing cooperation in agribusiness clusters is more related to institutional and organizational-cognitive proximities than spatial proximity.
Keywords: marketing, interfirm cooperation, proximity, economic geography, agribusiness clusters.